Our colleagues at the University of South Carolina now serve as the editors and editorial board for the NNER Journal, Education in a Democracy. NNER extends our deepest gratitude to our colleagues at the University of Connecticut for managing the journal from 2015-2017.
Call for Manuscripts
Manuscripts are currently being sought for review and potential publication in the 2018 edition The NNER Journal. This national peer-reviewed journal is published annually in an online format with a limited number of hard copies distributed. The purpose of the journal is to foster inquiry related to the Agenda for Education in a Democracy (AED) and support the mission of the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) which is to:
- Foster in the nation’s young the skills, disposition, and knowledge necessary for effective participation in a political democracy;
- Ensure that the young have access to those understandings and skills required for satisfying and responsible lives;
- Develop educators who nurture the learning and well-being of every student; and
- Ensure educators’ competence in and commitment to serving as stewards of schools.
For the 2018 edition of the journal, we invite submissions of manuscripts that focus on the theme, “Activism & Civil Discourse.”
Under this theme, the issue will explore theories, models or best practices for honoring, respecting and incorporating multiple perspectives about citizenship, education & community responsibility, with a particular exploration of individual rights versus collective rights. Over the last two years, our society has erupted in response to critical social events and issues. Communities feeling the need to be heard have taken to the streets, the web, the campus, and the school grounds to protest and engage diverse forms of activism. In response, local communities, schools, colleges and universities have been challenged with determining how to support, teach, encourage, and model what contemporary civil discourse and social action might involve. Therefore, in this issue of the journal, we ask, “What role do educational organizations, both institutions and professional organizations, take in mediating and advancing ideas regarding societal accountability, citizen responsibility, student engagement in social issues, and the notion of speaking truth to power?”
Society has erupted in response to critical social events and issues.
We solicit contributions from university faculty in education, arts and sciences, as well as P-12 educators and community partners. Collaboration across boundaries and educational settings is strongly encouraged. Since the audience of the journal includes this diverse constituency, the journal is open to all types of work—research or theoretically-based essays, case studies, and “best practices” practitioner-oriented articles. Manuscripts will be reviewed based on their quality and how informative, original, and readable they are for a broad spectrum of NNER membership.
Preference will be given to manuscripts that deliberately draw strong connections between the AED, school partnerships, and comprehensive analysis of data and/or theory.
Manuscript Criteria for 2018
The fitness of a manuscript for publication in The NNER will be carefully reviewed based on each of the dimensions listed below.
- Significance: Significance of topic to the Agenda for Education in a Democracy (AED) with clear connections to Goodlad and/or his work.
- Interest: Topic/report/findings are of interest to university-/college-based educators AND school-/district-based practitioners.
- Theory: Advancement of theory, practice or research related to democratic education.
- Coherence: Clear, coherent, and well-written Manuscript.
Manuscripts must follow American Psychological Association (APA) (Vol. 6) style and be no more than 5000 words. Manuscripts not following APA (Vol. 6) style will not be accepted. An abstract of no more than 100 words should be provided along with a brief list of keywords or phrases. The editors reserve the right to make minor editorial modifications that do not alter the substance of the article.
Note: Each issue of the journal is fully copyrighted by the NNER. As a condition of publication, authors grant the NNER permission to post or print the full text of an article for the use of its members.
How to Submit Manuscripts
All manuscripts must be submitted as email attachments in Microsoft Word. Deadline for submissions is June 15, 2018. Contact with authors, including acknowledgement of receipt of manuscripts, will occur by email. A triple-blind review process is used in considering acceptance. Any information that could identify the authors or institutions should not appear in the manuscript. A separate cover page should be attached that includes the title of the article, the author’s name/s, e-mail address, phone number, mailing address, affiliation, and one-sentence biographical statement. Submissions should be sent to: nnerjournal@sc.edu.
Download the Call for Manuscripts here: 2018 NNER Journal Call for Manuscripts
Deadline for submissions is June 15, 2018.
Dr. Rhonda Jeffries
Dr. Lemuel Watson
Dr. Toby Jenkins