Catherine Bornhorst
Call for Manuscripts: Education in a Democracy, A Journal of the National Network for Educational Renewal
The Role of Women & Girls in Fostering Democracy in Schools
Volume 11 | October 2019
Despite periods of focus on women’s access and achievement within the educational arena, the field of education has yet to make central an inclusive study of the issues, challenges, and social gains (contemporary and historic) impacting the educational experience of women and girls. Feminist Studies have largely been isolated to disciplines such as Women’s Studies, Sociology, and Ethnic Studies. The advancement and achievement of women and girls will remain limited unless we are committed to educational transformation that is comprehensive and centers a multidisciplinary study of women and girls, both domestic and global.
Exposing the Inequities
What are the issues? What are the needs? If balance across fundamental social issues is critical to the publics’ perceived road to success, we must first seek balance in our education leadership. The superintendency in P-12 education is one of the most impactful positions in education, and while research suggests that educational preparation, professional mentorship, response to job demands, personal life status, and career trajectory for men and women is similar, “men are still four times more likely than women to serve in the most powerful position in education, and both women and men of color are still grossly underrepresented” (Robinson, Shakeshaft, Grogan & Newcomb, 2017, np). Furthermore, women make up an average of 75% of education professionals, but only 30% of the leadership positions in education are held by women (Morey, 2017).
Beyond issues concerning women in positions of educational leadership, we also wrestle with significant problems of school pushout among African American girls. In the 2012 report, Race, Gender and the School to Prison Pipeline: Expanding Our Discussion to include Black Girls, Monique Morris argues that the traditional framework of the “school to prison pipeline” has largely focused on the experiences and conditions affecting black males. We continue to find that adopting a one-dimensional gender lens to study and address important work on inequality, exclusion, and the pushing out of students away from schools and into systems of criminal justice invariably limits our full understanding of this phenomenon.
Moving beyond issues affecting specific populations, there are also broad challenges that impact all women in education:
- Diversifying the teaching profession, including how we address and respond to issues of race, culture, and gender;
- The dynamics of difference, which include explorations of women’s ways of knowing, cultural diversity among educators, the impact of economics on teachers, students, schools and communities, and social insecurity among students; and,
- Diving deeper into culturally relevant teaching & learning to explore changing ideologies and historic success models such as African American Colored Schools or Jewish Day Schools.
We know an either/or approach to social topics that impact a vastly diverse population, leaves our society largely uninformed. We are in need of information, from both research and practice, that helps us to understand all of the various issues that serve to sustain the continued oppression of women and girls. This must include the myriad ways that all of these issues intersect and impact the entire field of education. We are also in need of answers—stories of successes and gains toward resisting this oppression. Channeling our work on activism, how might movements like #MeToo[1]and #YesAllWomen[2]drive our efforts toward increased intervention and change for women and girls.
And beyond these movements, what other important efforts are happening across our nation?
We invite potential authors to submit articles that accomplish one of the following:
- Share insight and information on the issues impacting women and girls
- Tell stories of students and schools that help illuminate not only what the issues are, but how we live these issues
- Study and critique current or historic women’s social movements
- Take a multidisciplinary approach to help us understand the intersections of broader issues with education (such as healthcare and education).
Bach, N. (2018). Michelle Obama launches new initiative to empower girls through education, Fortune Magazine, Oct 11, 2018.
Gordon, D. 1993. “Worlds of Consequence: Feminist Ethnography as Social Action.”
Critique of Anthropology, 13(4): 429-443.
Johnson, K. (2018). Political year of the woman? Been there, done that, Oregon says. New York Times.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2003. Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Morey, C. (2017). Women Leaders in Education. Teaching Channel.
Morris, M. (2017). Push Out: The Criminalization of Black Girls in School, New York, NY
Reinharz, Shulamit. 1992. Feminist Methods in Social Research. New York and Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Robinson, K., Shakeshaft, C., Grogan, M., & Newcomb, W. S. (2017). Necessary but not sufficient: The continuing inequality between men and women in educational leadership, findings from the American Association of School Administrators Mid-Decade Survey. Frontiers in Education, 2(12), doi: 10.3389/feduc.2017.00012.
Zimmerman, E., Woolf, S. & Haley, A. (2015). Understanding the relationship between education and health: A review of the evidence and an examination of community perspectives. Content last reviewed September 2015. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
[1]Social media campaign against sexual harassment and sexual assault
[2]Social media campaign in which users share examples or stories of misogyny and violence against women
We are delighted to announce the following:
> The 2019 Summer Institute will be held in NYC July 15-18. More details will be released soon.
> The 2019 Annual Conference of the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) to be held in Fort Collins, Colorado, October 16-18, at the Hilton Fort Collins.
Co-hosted by NNER settings, The Wyoming School – University Partnership and Colorado State University, the conference will serve to re-connect and engage Network partners in co-learning the ways in which school-university partnerships honor, advance, and provoke fresh relationships with local culture and community while negotiating the limitations and possibilities inherent in the practices, policies and mandates of School.
The conference theme and call for proposals will be announced soon!
Saint Mary’s College of California, one of the oldest and most distinguished universities in the West, is currently conducting a search for their next Dean of the Kalmanovitz School of Education. We are writing to you seeking nominations of strong candidates and/or expressions of interest in this position.
For a brief summary of the position, please review the SMC KSOE Dean Advertisement. For complete details on the agenda items for the next Dean, qualifications sought, and procedure for candidacy, please review the SMC KSOE Dean Leadership Profile. All nominations and/or expressions of interest will be kept confidential.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Friday, October 12, Morning Sessions I & II[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1544204885349-0171434b-94a6-9″ include=”3080,3079,3078,3076,3075,3073,3071,3070,3069,3068,3067,3066,3065,3064,3093,3092,3091,3090,3089,3088,3087,3086,3085,3084,3083,3082,3098,3100,3101,3103,3104,3105,3106,3107,3108,3109,3110,3111,3112,3113,3114,3115,3116,3117,3118,3119,3120,3121″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Awards Ceremony[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1544204885352-fc97e118-e809-3″ include=”3001,3002,3003,3004,3005,3006,3007,3008,3009,3010,3011,3012,3013,3015,3016,3017,3018,3019,3020,3021,3022,3023,3024,3025,3026,3028,3030,3031,3032,3033″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Thursday Afternoon: Concurrent Sessions III & IV[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1544204885353-1622390c-c898-0″ include=”2977,2978,2979,2980,2981,2982,2983,2984,2985,2986,2987,2988,2989,2990,2991,2992,2993,2994,2995,2996,2997,2998,2999,3035,3036,3037,3038,3039,3040,3041,3042,3043,3044,3045,3046,3047,3048,3049,3051,3052,3053,3054,3055,3056,3057,3058,3033″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Thursday Morning: Concurrent Sessions I & II, lunch[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1544204885355-154b09b4-e783-2″ include=”2940,2941,2942,2943,2944,2945,2946,2947,2948,2949,2950,2951,2952,2954,2955,2956,2957,2970,2971,2972,2973,2974,2959,2960,2961,2962,2963,2964,2965,2966,2967,2968″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Opening Session, Thursday, October 11.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1544204885356-0da69f9a-173a-0″ include=”2907,2909,2910,2911,2912,2913,2914,2916,2917,2919,2921,2920,2922,2923,2924,2930,2931,2932,2937,2938″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
NNER Journal 2018

Nicholas Michelli, second from left, presents the 2017 Nicholas Michelli Award for Social Justice to the Metropolitan St Louis Consortium for Educational Renewal
Richard W. Clark Award for Exemplary Partner School Work
2018 Nomination Information
Deadline: Call for Nominations is now closed.
This award recognizes a partner school collaboration— public school, arts and science, and
college or school of education—that is advancing the complex work of developing, sustaining, and renewing partner schools. And it recognizes the contributions of Richard W. Clark whose leadership in partner school research and practice continues to influence NNER partner schools. The setting and partner school award recipient will be recognized at the 2018 NNER annual conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.
In his writing on partner schools, Clark communicates deep understanding of the range of
collaboration and commitment needed to develop and sustain quality partner schools that
address the Agenda for Education in a Democracy through the partner school functions of
providing quality access to knowledge to all students, ensuring quality learning environments for preservice teachers, providing professional development for all adults (university and school faculty) engaged in the work, and promoting a culture of inquiry for renewal of school practices.
Download the informative PDF:
Richard W Clark Award 2018
Nicholas Michelli Award for Promoting Social Justice
2018 Nomination Information
Deadline: August 1st, 2018
This award recognizes a setting or a group within a setting for work that promotes social justice as described in the Agenda for Education in a Democracy (AED). The award recognizes the NNER’s commitment to access to knowledge and providing a nurturing learning environment for all students by acknowledging a setting that is working on this fundamental aspect of our work. A tripartite team—individuals from the setting who have contributed to the advancement of social justice in the local context—will be recognized on behalf of all the individuals who contribute to this important work.
Nicholas Michelli’s commitment to social justice is noteworthy, and he remains a strong voice for the NNER in this critical work. He advocates for changes in policy to advance the moral dimensions of teaching throughout the education enterprise. And as he expressed at the 2002 NNER Annual Conference, “Ultimately, our moral responsibility is to children—we must be able to justify our positions/actions in the context of kids’ best interests.” This is a reminder to us that the work of the NNER—to provide access to quality knowledge to all children—must be advanced at all levels and in all roles throughout our work.
Download the informative PDF:
Michelli Award 2018
Co-Hosted by our Lehman College/CUNY and Montclair State University settings, the National Network for Educational Renewal’s (NNER) Summer Symposium will take place July 16-19, 2018 in the Bronx, New York.
The Symposium is designed to deepen participant understanding of the NNER mission and Agenda for Education in a Democracy, which emphasizes the moral dimensions of schooling in a democracy and promotes a view of educators as ethical decision-makers responsible for disrupting inequities in school and assuring the engagement and learning of all students. The Symposium will be a place where NNER colleagues from across the nation demonstrate their commitment to civic responsibility and to critically examining the nature, causes, and means for eradicating social and institutional inequalities as well as to fostering the development of best practices for supporting productive learning for all students.
Symposium participants will engage in interactive sessions and shared learning experiences in the NYC area, such as a tour of the African Burial Ground National Monument located in Lower Manhattan. The sessions and activities will be used to emphasize the distinctive NNER structures, practices, and activities that promote the simultaneous renewal of the public schools and those who educate educators. Participants will leave with a shared understanding and common language based on the four NNER moral dimensions and obtain a renewed vision about why we engage in the work of NNER and how current events and educational policy environments impact public education.
If you are interested in sending participants to this intensive professional development opportunity, we must receive registrations no later than June 22nd, including the registration fee.
Apply today
Fee: $600 per participant (includes travel between hotel and event space and most meals)
Please make checks payable to the National Network for Educational Renewal
Mail to: NNER c/o Linda Sedlacek
424 Megan Lane
Milliken, CO 80543
Please contact if using a credit card.
Hotel Information
A block of rooms has been reserved for July 15, 2018 – July 22, 2018. The special NNER Symposium room rate of $144 + tax/night will be available until June 27th or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. Rooms are reserved at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Yonkers, NY (160 Corporate Blvd.).
Click here to reserve your room or call 866-868-9120 and mention group code “LCS” or Lehman College Summer Conference.
Travel Information
Please make your travel arrangements to consider the following:
- The Symposium will begin at 8:00am on Monday, July 16th.
- The Symposium will adjourn at 12:00pm on Thursday, July 19th.
Download this information as a PDF, below.
Charlotte, North Carolina
October 10-12, 2018
THEME: What are our schools for?
Click here to submit your proposal.
Profile of a Changemaker: Deanna Creighton Cook and The Homework Diner, Parts I & II
This is the first in a new series of articles, celebrating the achievements of educational visionaries in our communities who exemplify the power of partnerships and democracy in education. To start this series off is the story of Deanna Creighton Cook from the Albuquerque Public School district in New Mexico. Creighton Cook is the brains, and the brawn, behind The Homework Diner. Do you know a Changemaker we can profile? Email Ana N. June:
Above: Deanna Creighton Cook with Chelsea Clinton during the NBC coverage of Homework Diner.
Deanna Creighton Cook is so deeply involved in her numerous initiatives that when her husband asked recently what she was planning to “take off her plate,” her automatic response was telling.
“I just looked at him and said, ‘sleep?’”
It’s a humorous response that many working parents relate to and reach for when responsibilities overwhelm. But, given the scope of Creighton Cook’s work, it’s hard to imagine she gets any sleep as it is.
Creighton Cook and her family, husband Eric Cook and children Wells, Anson, and Maeve, moved from Vermont to Albuquerque, New Mexico, in June 2010, when Eric was hired at Sandia National Laboratories. Coming from a district with low student populations in each school, Creighton Cook was initially intimidated by the much larger school in her neighborhood: Manzano Mesa Elementary.
“In Vermont we had something like eighty students in our entire elementary school,” she says. “Here in Albuquerque there were eight hundred.”
Daughter Maeve was going into Kindergarten at the time, and Creighton Cook was feeling out of her element. She didn’t know anyone at Manzano Mesa, and was stunned to find out that there were no afterschool programs for students. Then, a neighbor sent her a copy of the Parent-Teacher Organization newsletter.
“They were asking for help in the library so I went over and met the librarian,” she recalls.
The two of them hit it off and she started volunteering in the library twice a week. What she didn’t know then was, that aside from a couple of PTO representatives, she was the only parent volunteering at the school.
Manzano Mesa had funding from the Kellogg Foundation to support their work as the first Community School in the district, but the levels of parent involvement at the time didn’t meet the requirements of the grant and the school was actively looking for ways to draw parents in.
“I wanted something to do and I wanted to know more about where my kids were going to school. That’s how I got involved in this whole thing, and it grew from there,” says Creighton Cook.
The “whole thing” Creighton Cook references is Homework Diner—a Community School initiative that started with a miniscule budget and a big idea, and has now grown even beyond the borders of New Mexico.
Manzano Mesa Principal, Peggy Candelaria, was already looking for ways to boost parental involvement. There had previously been a person at the school who would engage the Native American students in discussions over dinner, and when Creighton Cook heard that, she got to thinking.
“Dinner brings people in,” she and Candelaria discussed, “so maybe we do that.” The school had only about $500 left over from the grant—a small amount considering the size of the idea—but Creighton Cook was undeterred.
“At the same time, Manzano Mesa wasa pilot school for Common Core,” she says, adding that adjusting to the new guidelines was confusing for teachers and parents alike. Parents didn’t know how to help their kids so Candelaria and Creighton Cook thought, why not get some teachers to come to the dinner and talk to the parents? The idea that evolved from there was for teachers to explain to parents, over a home-cooked meal, what they do in the classroom and what parents can do at home. The more Creighton Cook thought about it, the more she realized it was a particularly good idea for another reason: It wouldn’t be high stakes like a parent-teacher conference or meeting with the principal.
“When do we ever have a place and time to have a conversation like this?” she says. “Never! Everyone is so busy.”
Candelaria wanted Homework Diner to have a family dinner feeling because students who eat dinner with their family even once a week show lower risk factors overall. With that in mind, Creighton Cook went to some thrift stores and bought 25 cent plates plus tablecloths, real forks, and cloth napkins. On the first night of Homework Diner, they set the tables and made it look as much like home as they could.
“We decided to do a five-week pilot program in the spring and people thought we were crazy,” Creighton Cook says and laughs. “Nobody starts something in April! It’s just not done!”
But Creighton Cook knew that was what she had to work with, and decided to give it a go, see how things went. She chose Thursday nights.
“We figured homework is due Friday, so we thought we could help get kids caught up.”
For the first Homework Diner, parents cooked food at home and brought it. Thirty-five people showed up. Creighton Cook didn’t advertise much because she just wanted to try it out. She had taken her $500 budget and divvied it up to cover five weeks, then added some Title I money to give stipends to the teachers.
“I had one teacher,” Creighton Cook says, “who participated the whole time and never submitted a time sheet.”
After the pilot, Candelaria and Creighton Cook surveyed everyone involved.
They all loved it.
By May, Creighton Cook was out of money.
“Over the summer I thought, ok what am I going to do to keep this going?” she says.
On a whim, she went to her closest Albertsons grocery store. There she talked to the manager and explained what she was doing, asking if he’d be willing to sponsor the food for one night at a cost of about $125. He told her that was more than he normally donates and offered her a gift card for $25.
“I told him thank you so much, and figured I’d just go to all the local Albertsons and ask for gift cards,” she says. In the end, she didn’t have to do that.
The next day, the manager from Albertsons showed up at the school office with a one thousand dollar check.
Creighton Cook lights up at the memory, talking more rapidly as she relates what the manager said. “He told me he’d done some thinking,” she recalls. “He thought it was a great idea and that what we were doing is so important.”
The manager handed Creighton Cook the check and said, “We’re your neighborhood store, and we want to support families and the school, so here you go!”
Creighton Cook was amazed…and energized.
Riding on the energy of the generous donation from Albertsons, Creighton Cook reached out to a micro-grant program in Albuquerque called ABQ Sprout.
“It’s not in operation anymore, unfortunately,” she says, “but basically a restaurant provided the space and food trucks donated the food. People would come and pay a minimum of fifteen dollars for dinner, and while they were eating they’d watch presentations and then vote for their top three favorites.”
All the cash collected from the night was the grant. Creighton Cook applied, and collaborated with Candelaria to stage a short play.
“I was on stage with all these greasy pizza boxes and I had a little doll and my kids were like ‘oh can you help me with blah blah blah,’” Creighton Cook says, laughing. “And Peggy is sitting there next to this beautiful table with a tablecloth and flowers and she comes over and says, ‘would you like to come over to Homework Diner? We can help you.’”
Their skit won first place—one thousand dollars in cash, which ABQ Sprout gave to Creighton Cook in a burlap bag with a dollar sign on it.
Emboldened yet again, Creighton Cook just kept going.
“I was looking for any little thing to keep Homework Diner functioning,” she says.
Some of those little things happened through serendipity. One day, on a field trip with her son to the zoo, Creighton Cook started chatting with two other moms and noticed that one of them had a bandage on her hand.
“I asked her what had happened, and she said she’d burned herself in her culinary arts class,” Creighton Cook says.
It turned out that both of the other mothers were culinary arts students at Central New Mexico Community College (CNM), and in her characteristic show of enthusiasm and determination, Creighton Cook immediately told them about Homework Diner and asked if they wanted to come and cook for the program.
“They said yes!” Creighton Cook says with a big smile. “So, then we had to figure out how to use the kitchen at the school to cook the food.”
Creighton Cook learned that they could use it if they paid the cafeteria manager time and a half to supervise the space. A doctor who lived in the Manzano Mesa neighborhood, and wanted to help, agreed to cover that cost. Every month she wrote Creighton Cook a check. To source the food, Creighton Cook went to Roadrunner Food Bank, which was free with only a nineteen cents per pound administrative fee.
“It became like the Iron Chef because the culinary students would never know what was going to be available,” Creighton Cook laughs. “They would look through it on Thursday to figure out what they were going to cook for Monday, then plan the meal.”
The food, she says, was always amazing.
More and more families were coming to Homework Diner in part because Creighton Cook was doing some direct outreach to Spanish and Vietnamese speaking families in the school. Then, in October, 2012, the Albuquerque Journal got wind of it and wrote a story that mentioned the culinary arts students from CNM.
“Right after the Journal article came out, CNM called me and said they had no idea their students were involved in the program,” says Creighton Cook. During that call, the college upped the ante. “They told me they had a USDA grant to provide healthy food to families, and offered to pay for the rest of the year.”
By then, Homework Diner was generating its own momentum. This was bolstered not long after the Journal article came out when KOB, a local news channel, called to do a story. Creighton Cook set up a time for them to visit the Homework Diner and see it in action, but on the night the crew was due to shoot, they were late.
“They called and said, ‘um, there was a murder down the road…’” Creighton Cook recalls. “People were washing dishes by the time they arrived, but they did a nice piece.”
That nice piece was what caught the attention of NBC Assistant Producer, Craig Stanley, and in 2013, NBC Nightly News sent their special correspondent, Chelsea Clinton, to Manzano Mesa.
“Six months later, because Homework Diner had expanded to several more schools, NBC came back to do a follow up!” Creighton Cook says. “The producer assured me that it was unheard of for them to come back in such a short time.” The media coverage injected the program with a burst of energy, and Homework Diner expanded from one school to two schools to seven schools.
In April 2016, Creighton Cook went to work with ABC Community School Partnership, an educational organization comprising major Albuquerque and Bernalillo County partners. Albuquerque Public Schools, Bernalillo County, the City of Albuquerque, United Way of Central New Mexico, and the University of New Mexico are all ABC partners, and ABC is a recognized partner in NNER’s local work. Dr. Viola Florez, NNER’s Executive Board Chair and local setting leader, also serves on the ABC Board.
At the same time that Creighton Cook was assuming her new role at ABC, Homework Diner needed a new kitchen space to handle the burgeoning volume of food.
“I tossed around a couple of ideas and then something else happened was kind of a lightbulb moment,” Creighton Cook says.
Former ABC director, Jose Munoz, had developed an idea for a sort of Shark Tank, inspired by the TV show, that would finance various student clubs and projects using funds given to ABC by the City of Albuquerque.
“The Highland High School culinary arts program was interested in starting a catering service and cooking for Homework Diner,” Creighton Cook says. In anticipation of their application to the ABC Shark Tank for this purpose, Creighton Cook visited Highland High and saw that that there was a full commercial kitchen on site. It would be perfect for the production of the quantities Homework Diner would require.
“The students applied and got funding,” Creighton Cook says, “then we licensed the kitchen through the city and now all the cooking for Homework Diner happens at Highland High.”
Participating schools are now responsible for picking up their meals each week.
Homework Diner has now expanded beyond New Mexico, where it continues in eleven schools, and is operating in fifteen other states. As for Creighton Cook, she’s no less busy but not as involved with Homework Diner as she was in the beginning. ABC continues to be the central partner in maintaining Homework Diner, with APS providing the infrastructure. The energy for the program, initiated by Deanna, has come full circle through a network of partnerships with community organizations, educators, and, of course, individuals.
“One of the moms I met at the zoo in 2012 is now the community school coordinator at Highland High,” says Creighton Cook, “and she coordinates the cooking for Homework Diner with two colleagues from CNM.” Eventually, those colleagues will be experienced enough to take it over, and Creighton Cook has no doubt the program will continue…and continue to expand.
Ultimately, Homework Diner exemplifies the power of how networking and partnerships can support student achievement through perhaps less traditional academic means. In the case of Homework Diner, Creighton Cook and Candelaria did this by reimagining the academic community through the family tradition of sitting down to a nourishing, home-cooked dinner. In doing so, they bridged the gap between school and home in a way that made the most sense for teachers and families.
Creighton Cook is now entering the final year of her Educational Leadership Master’s degree, and continues her work with ABC. Her kids are 17, 14, and 12, respectively, and despite her initial trepidation when faced with the much larger Albuquerque Public School District, Creighton Cook and her family are settled and happy in Albuquerque.
“Now, we can’t imagine moving,” she says.
In her downtime, Creighton Cook likes to ski, ice skate, and snowshoe, and she’s just learned how to play pickleball, a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. Presumably, she fits in time for sleep, somewhere, but given her energy and enthusiasm, it’s not hard to imagine that she’d give that up in a heartbeat to pursue a new big idea to improve the lives of children in New Mexico…and beyond.