Nicholas Michelli, second from left, presents the 2017 Nicholas Michelli Award for Social Justice to the Metropolitan St Louis Consortium for Educational Renewal
Richard W. Clark Award for Exemplary Partner School Work
2018 Nomination Information
Deadline: Call for Nominations is now closed.
This award recognizes a partner school collaboration— public school, arts and science, and
college or school of education—that is advancing the complex work of developing, sustaining, and renewing partner schools. And it recognizes the contributions of Richard W. Clark whose leadership in partner school research and practice continues to influence NNER partner schools. The setting and partner school award recipient will be recognized at the 2018 NNER annual conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.
In his writing on partner schools, Clark communicates deep understanding of the range of
collaboration and commitment needed to develop and sustain quality partner schools that
address the Agenda for Education in a Democracy through the partner school functions of
providing quality access to knowledge to all students, ensuring quality learning environments for preservice teachers, providing professional development for all adults (university and school faculty) engaged in the work, and promoting a culture of inquiry for renewal of school practices.
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Richard W Clark Award 2018
Nicholas Michelli Award for Promoting Social Justice
2018 Nomination Information
Deadline: August 1st, 2018
This award recognizes a setting or a group within a setting for work that promotes social justice as described in the Agenda for Education in a Democracy (AED). The award recognizes the NNER’s commitment to access to knowledge and providing a nurturing learning environment for all students by acknowledging a setting that is working on this fundamental aspect of our work. A tripartite team—individuals from the setting who have contributed to the advancement of social justice in the local context—will be recognized on behalf of all the individuals who contribute to this important work.
Nicholas Michelli’s commitment to social justice is noteworthy, and he remains a strong voice for the NNER in this critical work. He advocates for changes in policy to advance the moral dimensions of teaching throughout the education enterprise. And as he expressed at the 2002 NNER Annual Conference, “Ultimately, our moral responsibility is to children—we must be able to justify our positions/actions in the context of kids’ best interests.” This is a reminder to us that the work of the NNER—to provide access to quality knowledge to all children—must be advanced at all levels and in all roles throughout our work.
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Michelli Award 2018