Description of Affiliate Members
Affiliate Membership in The National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) is available to institutions in which there is interest in or developed partnerships between P-12 schools and institutions of higher education and a core of support to advance an ongoing commitment to the mission of the NNER.
Affiliate members provide annual reports—reflections of the year’s activities that promote involvement and engagement. These annual reports provide information for the NNER Governing Council and executive board so that they can support the ongoing efforts of Affiliate members. Affiliate members pay annual dues of $2,000 based on the calendar year for up to two years prior to deciding about full membership. Each Affiliate member determines how the member institutions (higher education colleges, departments, and public schools) contribute to the dues structure and determine any local dues structure that might be deemed appropriate to sustain local activity and renewal as do long term members.
Membership Considerations
Applicants send application materials to the executive director of the NNER. The application should include a brief narrative describing the institution’s (department, group, or partnership (i.e. school and college) interest in NNER membership along with the enclosed cover sheet. Below are areas to consider in the narrative:
- Examples of participation by members from P-12 schools, the arts and sciences, and /or professional education faculties of higher education (the “tripartite” responsible for school and teacher education renewal) that relate to the NNER mission and strategies for action;
- Any examples of individual or group professional development related to the principles of the NNER. Examples may include book readings, study sessions, Socratic Seminars, visits to other NNER partnerships, inviting NNER colleagues to the partnership, review of texts and other material that align with NNER mission, school/university conversations on application of the NNER work to existing initiatives, attendance at NNER conferences and other NNER professional development options;
- Any examples of university/school partner work that may be in place or in development;
- Reflections on the contributions the Affiliate member will make to the learning of NNER colleagues that deepen the conversation about, and inquiry into, the Agenda for Education in a Democracy; (The NNER is committed to advancing equity and excellence in all our practices and policies and seeks ongoing renewal of the NNER to further this central focus of our work. Therefore, the NNER seeks new settings, strategies, and work related to diversity and inclusion.)
- What the Affiliate would like to learn from other NNER settings and how it envisions collaboration with NNER colleagues;
- A description of where understanding of and support for the NNER mission is present and/or developing.
Once the application has been received, the executive director will forward it for review to the Governing Council for action.
Orientation of New Affiliate Member Following acceptance of a new Affiliate member, the Governing Council chairperson and/or executive director will contact the contact person as noted on the application to develop next steps and activities to ensure that the Affiliate member has support and opportunities to participate in NNER work, leadership development, and resources.
Affiliate Member Benefits and Responsibilities Affiliate members will send participants, as budget allows, to the NNER annual conference; Affiliate members receive three discounted conference registrations ($25 below the regular fee). Affiliate members may send participants to the tripartite council as nonvoting members (these participants cannot run for tripartite council chair until full membership) but can participate in the activities and conversation, and send a nonvoting representative to the Governing Council meetings. Affiliate members may access the NNER resources. They agree to include the NNER mission and materials that align with the Agenda for Education in a Democracy in their partner institutions’ work (i.e. courses, in-services, book groups). The Affiliate Member will stay in contact with the executive director and other NNER leaders to ensure that two-way learning is occurring and that the Affiliate receives the needed support to broaden support for full membership.