The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education is a national voluntary organization of colleges and universities that prepare the nation’s teachers and other educational personnel.
AASA – American Association of School Administrators
…AASA’s mission is to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to the highest quality public education for all children.
ASCD – Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
…the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that represents 170,000 educators from more than 135 countries…
AYPF – American Youth Policy Forum
… a non-profit, nonpartisan professional development organization, provides learning opportunities for policy leaders, practitioners, a researcher working on youth and education issues at the national, state, and local levels.
Center for Social and Emotional Education
CSEE is an organization that helps schools integrate crucial social and emotional learning with academic instruction. In doing so, we enhance student performance, prevent drop outs, reduce physical violence, bullying, and develop healthy and positively engaged adults.
… blog for educators who are interested in a new wave of teaching and leading focused on restoring classrooms and schools to places of meaningful and joyful learning for children and adults.
Democracy and Education Journal
Democracy & Education is a partnership of all participants in the educational process – teachers, administrators, parents and students – who believe that democratic school change must come from those at the heart of education.
Evaluation Tools for Racial Equality
The Evaluation Tools for Racial Equity website is organized around the typical stages that a community group or coalition working on racial justice issues might go through in planning, conducting, and using evaluation:
- Getting Ready: Readiness to Evaluate Work on Race, Ethnicity, Power and Privilege
- Defining Your Work: Thinking about the Work to be Evaluated
- Designing: Developing Evaluation Design and Plan
- Collecting Information: Finding and Collecting Data
- Analyzing: Examining and Interpreting Evaluation Information
- Sharing Findings: Sharing Outcome Information and Evaluation Findings
- Reflecting: Ways Evaluation Findings Can Improve the Work
…featuring comprehensive research coverage of key First Amendment issues and topics, a unique First Amendment Library and guest analyses by respected legal specialists.
First Amendment Schools: Educating for Freedom and Responsibility is a national initiative designed to transform how schools model and teach the rights and responsibilities of citizenship that frame the civic life of our democracy.
The Freedom Forum is a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people. The foundation focuses on three priorities: the Newseum, First Amendment freedoms and newsroom diversity.
National Center for Learning and Citizenship
Check out the bi-monthly newsletter of the National Center for Learning and Citizenship (NCLC) called Citizenship Matters. This newsletter focuses on improving citizenship education in our nation’s schools.
NAPDS – National Association for Professional Development Schools
…A Professional Development School partnership is a long-term relationship supported by policy at the University and school district level.
NCTAF – National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future
The National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing every child with competent, caring, qualified teachers in schools organized for success. The Commission is co-chaired by Richard W. Riley, former U.S. Secretary of Education and Ted Sanders, past President of the Education Commission of the States. NCTAF’s President is Thomas G. Carroll, Ph.D.
PEN – Public Education Network
Public Education Network (PEN) is a national association of local education funds (LEFs) and individuals working to advance public school reform in low-income communities across our country.
The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded in 1971 as a small civil rights law firm. Today, the Center is internationally known for its tolerance education programs, its legal victories against white supremacists and its tracking of hate groups.
Founded in 1991 by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Teaching Tolerance provides educators with free educational materials that promote respect for differences and appreciation of diversity in the classroom and beyond.
Research examining the behavior of teachers and administrators with the goal of developing policies to attract and retain high-quality teachers and leaders, especially in low-performing schools
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