The National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) leads by example as it strives to improve simultaneously the quality of education for thoughtful participation in a democracy and the quality of the preparation of educators. The NNER works through partnerships among P-12 schools, institutions of higher education, and communities.
Members of the Network agree on a four-part mission to advance Education in Democracy, which is as follows:
- provide access to knowledge for all children (“equity and excellence”);
- educate the young for thoughtful participation in a social and political democracy (“enculturation”);
- base teaching on knowledge of the subjects taught, established principles of learning, and sensitivity to the unique potential of learners (“nurturing pedagogy”); and
- take responsibility for improving the conditions for learning in P-12 schools, institutions of higher education and communities. (“stewardship”).
Enabling Actions
Members of the Network assert that quality schooling for a democracy and quality preparation of educators can best be accomplished by sharing responsibility for the following actions:
- engaging university faculty in the arts and sciences, education, public schools, and community members as equal partners collectively responsible for the Agenda;
- promoting and including partnership settings nationally and internationally that together represent urban, suburban, and rural communities, ethnically and socioeconomically diverse public school and university students, and a broad range of public and private teacher education institutions of varying sizes and missions;
- inquiring into and conducting research pertinent to educational practices and the renewal of public schools and the education of educators.
- proposing and monitoring federal, state and local policy that supports the implementing the Agenda for Education in a Democracy.
- providing opportunities for professional and leadership development for participants in NNER settings.
Revised and approved electronically by the NNER Governing Council
February 16, 2007.